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Timber Condition Test

Ensure Playground Safety with Timber Condition Testing

To ensure the safety of your playground equipment, it's crucial to assess the structural integrity of the timber posts and poles. Over time, timber can decay and weaken, especially when buried in bark or wood chips. Identifying this decay can be challenging, particularly in single-post equipment like log swings and flying fox poles.

Playsafe offers the Wood Condition Test, a non-invasive solution to evaluate your playground timber. This test detects areas of decay, cavities, and cracks without compromising the wood's structure. It is suitable for various wood densities and elements up to 300mm in diameter.

During the inspection, our experts drill a small, inconspicuous hole using a 1mm steel needle with a chisel cutting tip. This allows us to identify any decay or cavities inside the wood, providing insights for further investigation or replacement. The Timber Condition Test helps prevent premature replacement of healthy wood and enhances safety by evaluating the wood's internal state.


Our Timber Condition Test complies with NZS5828:2015 and includes a comprehensive report with photos, assessments, and recommendations. It is a cost-saving preliminary investigation that ensures structural stability and evaluates the wood's quality and lifespan.

Don't wait until it's too late to assess the safety of your playground equipment. Contact Playsafe today to schedule a Timber Condition Test and provide a secure play environment for children.

Key Features of the Timber Condition Test:

  • Cost-saving preliminary investigation

  • Prevents premature replacement

  • Structural stability check compliant with NZS5828:2015

  • Detects wood decay, cavities, and cracks

  • Evaluates wood quality and lifespan

  • Comprehensive assessment and recommendations.

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