Certified for Safety:
Play Surfaces You Can Trust:
Playsafe Ltd maintains a certified catalog of playground surfaces tested to NZS5828/EN1177 standards, reflecting our commitment to safety through compliance with the Head Impact Criterion and suitability grading for Loosefill surfaces. Each certification is valid for three years, ensuring continued adherence to top safety standards.
Certification Details:
Valid Certificates: Compliance with NZS5828:2015 is confirmed by a valid test date for the specified critical fall height.
Certification Period: Playsafe certifies surfaces for three years, following standards set by NZS5828, SANS 51176, EN1176, and EN1177.
Expired Certificates: Certifications that have expired are no longer valid.
Product Variation: Critical fall height may change over time. For synthetic surfaces, we recommend impact testing right after installation and every two years thereafter.

Need a Softfall impact test?
Please click here to book a site impact test or here to have your product tested and certified