Bouldering Wall - Surface Impact Testing
Fall Height Testing - Bouldering Walls
Playsafe's certified Surface Impact Test provides verification and assurance that your surface meets the requirements of critical fall height to the AS 2316-1.2.2021 safety standard specifically for Head Impact Criterion.
The test and report include a comprehensive electronic inspection report using the Head Impact Criterion (HIC) Surface Impact Tester, to measure and verify your play surface meets the critical fall height requirements of the potential fall heights of the existing play equipment.
The Ground floor surface impact attenuation testing on Bouldering wall surfaces includes:
Check of minimum impact area dimensions around Bouldering walls
Determination of Free height of fall (Fhf) positions
Weight loading preconditioning
Impact test IAS ground flooring to limits as per the HIC and Gmax requirements
Issue test certificates and reporting.
Testing excludes surface abrasion/ projection and pendulum testing.

Why test play surfaces for impact?
Your playground surface is the ''Catchers Mit'' of the playground, especially as statistics show that falls to playground surfaces are around 70% of all serious accidents in playgrounds, therefore it is imperative that your surface will perform properly in the event of a serious fall. Ensure your play surface meets the requirements of head, neck and back injury!
All surfaces suffer degradation over time, causing potential non-compliance of impact attenuation. Playsafe's Certified Surface Impact Test provides assurance that your playground surface meets the Head Impact Criterion performance requirements of the NZS5828+ EN1177 safety standards well before failure and injury. A surface impact test will highlight any of these issues.
Our inspection services are independent, certified, confidential, police vetted and we carry professional indemnity insurance for professional services. Our play area reporting services are recommended by MoE, ERO and Local Government throughout New Zealand.